Coolio Puts Pain on Ice

Coolio™ therapy is intended to eradicate the pain of pain.

Learn how Coolio™ Ices Pain
Illustration of Coolio being injected into a knee joint

Our Goal, Long-Lasting Pain Control

With Coolio™, patients may benefit from 30-60 days of pain relief from one injection.

Coolio™ Will Be an Inflection Point in Pain Management

Developed at Massachusetts General Hospital

Coolio™ was developed at Mass General Hospital and is backed by several years of academic research.

First In-Human Study in 2023

Pain management reaches an important milestone with the first clinical research study measuring safety and relief of knee pain using Coolio™.

Potential to treat both acute and chronic pain

Coolio™ has the potential to transform how we manage pain and address a massive unmet clinical need.

Lead by Research

Our founders have an impressive track record of execution and deep research histories affiliated with world-class organizations.

Meet Brixton
Rox Anderson and Sameer Sabir, founders of Brixton with logos of  their affiliations